Friday, January 2, 2009

10 years!!!

Dan and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary today and it was fantastic! Not because we gave each other amazing gifts or had a huge celebration but because it feels good. It feels good to know that 10 years ago we knelt across the altar in the Salt Lake Temple and promised to love and care for each other for eternity. And 10 years later we love each other more than ever, we are better at caring for each other and we have developed a deeper understanding of the eternal nature of marriage. The picture above is one I took last month while we were visiting Utah and went to Temple Square to see the lights. It was amazing and so uplifting. So I had this picture enlarged (after adding the details about our anniversary) and framed for my gift to Dan. I love the Christmas lights on the trees!
We went to dinner tonight at the Chart House on the Riverfront in Jacksonville. The place was deserted and we got to enjoy a quiet, relaxed dinner together. It was simply perfect.

So after 10 years, here's a little description of Dan & Christy as a couple and individuals:

He's a doctor and she's a doctor's wife, they are lovers of education, devourers of Jack Reacher novels and haters of cigarette smoke. They love being garage parkers. She is anal and he is laid back. He is a quoter of the Simpson's and she rolls her eyes. They are temple recommend holders and grateful recipients of our Savior's Gift. They are lovers of sunshine and haters of snow! He hates neck ties and she thinks he looks great in them. They are suckers for kids saying please-please-please! She thinks he is the funniest guy ever and he IS the funniest guy ever. They love to snuggle with three kids in a king size bed in the morning, but not in the middle of the night. She hates to cook and he doesn't mind. They dream of traveling and serving a mission together. She loves taking pictures and he pretends to love looking at her pictures. They love Macs and not Microsoft. She loves scrapbooking and he lovingly tolerates all that comes with that hobby. He is a runner and she runs to Target. He dreams of playing golf in the PGA and she is his biggest fan. Together they make each other better, a life of love and laughter.


Marc and Megan said...

Congrats to TEN awesome years together! You are so perfect for each other! We love you guys!!

And, I love that photo of the temple! Nice job!!

Jen said...

so well said it brought tears to my eyes!!!

robin said...

I am so happy for you guys! YOu two are a great couple! I hope one day to have that kind of love and tolerance!!

Unknown said...

Congrats on 10 years! Hey, email me I would love to catch up.

Mindy said...

Congratulations! I love the way you sum up the two of you. You guys are SO great - we miss you. I hope your next ten are just as great!

the splendid life of us... said...

Happy 10 years, beautiful picture, thoughtful gift. And LOVE how you described the two of you!